
One of the few constants in life is change. Couples reach an agreement on the terms of a divorce based on the circumstances of their lives at the time. Issues such as child custody arrangements, division of property and child and spousal support amounts are resolved within the context of where people are in their lives at the time. However, in many cases, circumstances change over time. Children grow older. Divorced men and women remarry. Jobs get relocated and people need to move. And when circumstances change, the arrangements and agreements worked out during a divorce no longer work or even apply. As a result, new agreements and arrangements are needed.

At the Routzon Law Firm our attorneys can help you redraft agreements and work out new plans that fit your changing circumstances and lives. 

Often, divorce agreements are made during highly emotional circumstances. Decisions are made, written into the agreement, and then the “new normal” begins. A few weeks or months later, one person or the other decides that the arrangements aren’t working. What can be changed? What can be amended? What is binding? Are there time limits, or timeframe requirements that need to be met before any adjustments can be made? It is important to understand these issues. Let one of our experienced family attorneys help you navigate your changing needs. Call our office at 817-616-0734 for an appointment today.

One of the most emotionally charged aspects of divorce is regarding child custody. In the initial stages of the divorce, perhaps you and your spouse made decisions and arrangements that seemed best for the child at the time. Or perhaps one spouse didn’t speak up when they should have, and allowed arrangements to be made and documented in the divorce agreement. This can be highly emotional, and often parents desire to change these arrangements. However, the legal aspects of changing such an agreement can be difficult to interpret and navigate. An experienced attorney can help; call Routzon Law today.

Perhaps the children named in the decree have gotten older, and their needs and desires have changed. Many times, parents assume that because their child is of a certain age the child can decide for his or herself how custody arrangements look. This is often not the case; although a child’s opinion can be taken into consideration, adjusting custody arrangements can require legal means. We can help. 

Visitation is an important part of co-parenting after divorce. Although there are statutes and limitations on changing visitation schedules, parents who are willing to work together for the best situation for their children can see their children through the difficult adjustments post-divorce. Sometimes, due to job changes, remarriage, or other circumstances, the original visitation schedule will no longer work and needs to be adjusted or amended. Our attorneys have extensive experience helping families understand their rights, and helping interpret and navigate life for parents and children post-divorce. 

Finances can change after divorce. Perhaps you or your spouse was awarded a certain amount of child support or spousal support, and now one of you has experienced a life change, such as job loss or other circumstance, that requires changing or amending the divorce agreement. We can assist you in making these changes, helping ensure that you and your family are protected and provided for. 

Whether you need help renegotiating a custody agreement, getting an increase or decrease in child or spousal support, or working through the process of changing your children’s visitation schedule, we will make sure your rights are protected and your needs are addressed.

Call us today at 817.616.0734 for a consultation.

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