Planning For Divorce

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you start your pre-divorce planning:

  • What are your questions?: Write down your questions to discuss with your attorney during your initial consultation. 
  • What paperwork?: Any information about income sources, tax returns, bank accounts, assets and debts need to be collected. This information will be important when proceeding with your divorce.
  • What are your legal options?: Your divorce does not have to be difficult, adversarial and drawn-out. Mediation is one option that allows couples to end a marriage through collaborative and cooperative means. There are other options as well that can be discussed with an attorney. 
  • Choosing an Attorney: A divorce will affect you personally, legally and financially. It is critical that you work with an attorney who you can trust to handle your most personal legal matters. Your attorney will be your partner as you go through the legal process. 

Get Answers And Peace Of Mind: Schedule A Consultation Today

We offer an up to one hour phone consultation for $100 to answer your preliminary questions about divorce. We can also meet in our office. Please call us at 817.616.0734 to schedule your consult today.

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